To say that Massive is an us-against-the-world thing is to identify the core concept -- and to oversimplify. Massive is uniquely Columbus. It embodies years of frustration. It takes into account the perception that the city is some isolated backwater lacking in the sophistication of those glorious metropolises, Cleveland and Cincinnati. It operates, rightly or wrongly, on the theory that nobody on the outside -- owners, league officials, referees, media -- is prepared to cut the local side a break. It assumes added impediment and girds to go beyond.
To be Massive is to overcome. And to overcome, one must be Massive.
Cleveland and Cincinnati are glorious metropolises? If by glorious metropolis, you mean festering shithole. Even people from Cleveland hate Cleveland.
ReplyDeleteI think the point is that people from outside Ohio think that. While in reality Cincinnati and Cleveland are both dying, while Columbus is booming.
ReplyDeleteAh right. It's also the most sexually satisfied city in the country or some shit. Interesting.